EDITORIAL: Rangel Must Go

October 15, 2009

When he defeated the legendary Adam Clayton Powell in a 1970 primary, Charles Rangel ran as something of a reformer. Voters weary of Powell’s flamboyant indiscretions rallied to him.

Rangel rose in the House and proved himself to be an effective legislator. His rhetoric occasionally takes sharp turns, but he makes friends easily and appears to be a personal delight. Although McSorley’s lies outside his district, we happily would stand him a round. His family has Virginia roots.

Rangel heads the House Committee on Ways and Means, a panel responsible for tax legislation. It also has influence on health care. Ways and Means remains one of Congress’ most powerful committees — and therein lies a huge problem for Democrats.

Read more: (Editorial, “He Must Go,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, 10/15/09)