Grayson’s Website Under Scrutiny Due to House Ethics Rules

October 22, 2009

There he was on C-SPAN again, a big poster board at his side. Was U.S. Alan Grayson giving an encore presentation of his “die quickly” health care speech? Alas, no.

But the poster did point to a new Web site,, and the Orlando Democrat urged people who have lost loved one due to inadequate health care to visit and leave their names as a remembrance and call for Congressional action.

Republicans cried foul Wednesday because the site has a link to Grayson’s campaign Web site, suggesting he broke House ethics rules barring the mix of official business with campaigning.

Read more: (Alex Leary, “Did Alan Grayson Go Too Far this Time?” St. Petersburg Times’ “The Buzz” blog, 10/22/09)