GOP Picks Promising ‘Young Guns’ Candidates

October 27, 2009

From CQ: “The National Republican Congressional Committee will announce Tuesday that nine challenger and open-seat candidates have impressed the committee enough with their early efforts to be bumped up to the next rung of the recently retooled “Young Guns” campaign program. Young Guns is a fundraising and infrastructure system that ranks candidates on three tiers: “On the Radar,” “Contender” and “Young Guns.” No candidate has yet achieved the program’s highest ranking, but as of Tuesday nine GOP recruits will definitely be considered Contenders. They are Montgomery City Councilwoman Martha Roby in Alabama’s 2nd District, state Rep. Cory Gardner in Colorado’s 4th district, former state Rep. Dennis Ross in Florida’s 12th District, Marine Corps veteran Vaughn Ward in Idaho’s 1st District, state Sen. Andy Harris in Maryland’s 1st District, Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta in New Hampshire’s 1st District, former Rep. Steve Pearce in New Mexico’s 2nd District, former Rep. Steve Chabot in Ohio’s 1st District and former state Sen. Steve Stivers in Ohio’s 15th District. “The early progress of these candidates is a testament to the Young Guns program and a sign of the changing political environment that Democrats will face next year,” NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions of Texas said on Monday….”
Read the Full Story Here.
For more information on teh Young Guns Program, click here.