Cook Political Report: Obama Is 'Beyond Radioactive' in Key Democratic Districts

November 19, 2009

From The Campaign Spot: “The Cook Political Report lays out what readers of this blog have been hearing a lot lately: Plenty of veteran Democrats who haven’t had to break a campaign sweat this decade are quickly losing their aura of invincibility. Next fall, some in this category are likelier to face tough races than many of the 42 less tenured Democrats who populate the “Frontline” list. As of today, eight House Democrats elected prior to 2006 sit in our “Lean Democratic” and “Toss Up” columns, and another 20 whom we view as potentially vulnerable sit in our “Likely Democratic” column. This is not to say that highly influential and venerated fixtures such as Reps. Ike Skelton (MO-04), John Spratt (SC-05), Bart Gordon (TN-06), John Tanner (TN-08) and Rick Boucher (VA-09) are goners next year. Their eventual vulnerability is highly dependent on the quality of GOP nominees and the discipline of their “time for change” messages. But if these party elders decide to seek reelection rather than retire, the underlying dynamics of their districts suggest at least several will need to fight to survive. Many watchers of House politics are tempted to downplay the potential for real races in these districts after taking one look at immediate past election history. How could Republicans possibly threaten the likes of Skelton or Spratt, both of whom won more than 62 percent of the vote in 2008? Or Gordon, Tanner, or Boucher, all of whom were unopposed last year? But that was before they were saddled with a sitting Democratic president who is beyond radioactive in their districts. History is history. …”
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