NRCC spoofs Sanchez Christmas card

December 2, 2009

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) released its take on Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s (D-Calif.) holiday card on Wednesday.

Sanchez’s card plays on former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s (R-Texas) turn on “Dancing with the Stars” this fall, and features the California congresswoman waltzing across a dance floor under the watchful eye of her cat, Gretzky.

NRCC’s spoof card states, “Whether it’s from Nancy Pelosi or union bosses … May your campaign be filled with tainted cash and empty promises.

Gretzky is pictured as thinking, “No victory dance for you next year!”

“Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Andy Stone fired back at the NRCC spoof, saying “If Gretzky could talk, he’d tell the NRCC to lay off the catnip.”
Click here to read the full story.