Latest Blue Dog in trouble: South Dakota's Rep. Herseth Sandlin

December 15, 2009

Every day brings a bit more news… Who do you think is going to be next?
From The Hill: “Blue Dog Democrats continue to see some members struggling in the polls. The latest Blue Dog to suffer in the polls is Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-S.D.), who according to a new Public Policy Polling survey could have a tough reelection race on her hands in 2010. Herseth Sandlin has drawn her first serious challengers since 2004 this cycle, and PPP shows her leading one of them, Secretary of State Chris Nelson (R), by a relatively modest 46-39 margin. Herseth Sandlin still has solid approval ratings, at 49 percent positive and 38 percent negative, but her seven-point lead over Nelson is concerning both because she is under 50 percent and because 59 percent of South Dakota voters don’t know Nelson. Herseth Sandlin joins members including Reps. Frank Kratovil (D-Md.), Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) and Dina Titus (D-Nev.) in seeing disconcerting early poll numbers. In addition, it has been revealed that Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.), who announced his retirement Monday, trailed in some early polling. If other Blue Dogs and members in swing districts are seeing the same thing, that could lead to more retirements. …”