Parker Griffith Switches to Republican Party

December 22, 2009

After publicly denouncing his vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, calling her too divisive and polarizing of a figure, former Blue Dog Democrat Parker Griffith has had enough.

Today, Congressman Griffith of Alabama’s 5th District announced that he is switching parties to become a Republican. While Griffith’s party affiliation may have changed, his conservative values and commitment to his constituents has not wavered. His opposition to the Democrats wasteful stimulus bill, the job killing National Energy Tax, and government takeover of healthcare make him our welcome ally in stopping Nancy Pelosi.

We welcome him to the Republican Party and anticipate that this will encourage others who have grown just as disappointed with Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat party to join us in making an impact next fall.

Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) made the following statement regarding Congressman Parker Griffith’s decision to join the Republican Party:

“I am pleased to welcome Parker Griffith to the Republican Party. Congressman Griffith’s party affiliation may have changed, but his conservative principles, values and commitment to Alabama families has never wavered.

“I am also thankful to the Alabama Republican congressional delegation – Spencer Bachus, Robert Aderholt, Jo Bonner, and Mike Rogers – for welcoming their friend and colleague with open arms. Whether standing up for a strong Missile Defense Program or opposing a wasteful stimulus bill, a job-killing National Energy Tax, and a government takeover of healthcare – Parker Griffith put the interests of his constituents ahead of Nancy Pelosi’s reckless ideological agenda that Washington Democrats have pursued at the expense of job creation.

“This decision is emblematic of the message that millions of concerned citizens have been trying to send to a Democrat Party that has become increasingly unwilling to listen. Whether Democrat leaders choose to pay attention now or wait for the electorate to send them a resounding message next November, Parker Griffith’s willingness to put the interests of his district first sends a positive signal to others who have grown just as disappointed with their party as the American people have.”