Alan Nunnelee Advances to 'Contender' Status

January 6, 2010

The NRCC has announced that Republican Alan Nunnelee (MS-01) has reached ‘Contender’ status as part of its Young Guns recruitment program. ‘Contender’ status is the second step in the three-level program, as Nunnelee works to reach ‘Young Gun’ status in his bid to unseat incumbent Democrat Travis Childers.

Alan Nunnelee has been a Mississippi State Senator since 1995 and is currently the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations. Throughout his tenure in the State Senate, Alan has fought for more jobs, lower taxes and Mississippi values. Among his achievements, he is noted for his role in bringing comprehensive tort reform to the state of Mississippi. Alan is also a dedicated family man, community leader, deacon and Sunday School teacher who is committed to fighting for the futures of Mississippi families.

“Alan Nunnelee has already proven that he will be a formidable candidate by meeting the Young Guns program’s rigorous goals and is well on his way to building a winning campaign and putting this seat back in the Republican column,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions. “Alan is part of a strong and growing candidate pool of everyday Americans who are frustrated with the majority’s big-government ways and aren’t willing to stand idly by any longer. His campaign has put Democrats on notice that Americans are ready to turn the page on the failed experiment known as the Obama-Pelosi agenda.”
For more information on Alan, click here.
To learn more about the Young Guns Program, click here.