Democrats’ Doors Closed to the Public, Open to Tax Cheat Rangel

January 6, 2010

Democrats’ Doors Closed to the Public, Open to Tax Cheat Rangel

Pelosi, Hoyer Invite Ethically-Challenged Charlie Rangel to the Table for Healthcare Negotiations


Washington- As Democrat leaders prepare to meet with President Obama and White House officials tonight in an attempt to hurry deliberations on their healthcare bill, national criticism for their shady closed-door negations continues to be amplified with the inclusion of one of Washington’s most-corrupt Members of Congress. After shutting out Republican Leaders and refusing to televise these talks for American taxpayers, House leaders ironically had no problem extending an invite to tax cheat Charlie Rangel, who is the target of an ongoing ethics investigation.


“Following on a meeting between House and Senate leaders and President Obama last night, a number of senior House Democrats will return to the White House to continue negotiating toward a final health care bill.


Joining House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be Henry Waxman (D-CA), George Miller (D-CA), Charlie Rangel (D-NY)–the chairmen of the three committees that drafted the House bill–and Louise Slaughter (D-NY), chair of the House Rules Committee.” (Brian Beutler, “House Leadership To Meet With President Obama Tonight,” Talking Points Memo, 1/06/2010)

For the past couple of days, Democrats have come under fire for their blatant disregard for the transparency they once promised:


“The C-SPAN television network is calling on congressional leaders to open health care talks to cameras — something President Barack Obama promised as a candidate.”


“Obama pledged during a presidential debate in January 2008 that he would be ‘bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are.’” (“C-SPAN: Health care talks should be televised,” Associated Press, 1/05/2010)


“Americans who were already troubled by the Democrats’ closed-door healthcare deliberations will find little comfort in the fact that Washington’s most corrupt Member of Congress is playing a lead role in these talks,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “If Democrats can trust a tax cheat like Charlie Rangel with a seat at the table, why are they so afraid to open up these back-room meetings to the general public?”

