Mick Mulvaney Named an ‘On the Radar’ Candidate

January 6, 2010

This afternoon, the NRCC has officially announced State Senator Mick Mulvaney as an ‘On the Radar’ candidate, an important step of its Young Guns program.  Founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Paul Ryan (R-WI), the Young Guns program is a member-driven organization dedicated to electing open-seat and challenger candidates nationwide. Mulvaney is running for South Carolina’s Fifth Congressional District.

“The NRCC is committed to working with Mick Mulvaney as he continues to meet the rigorous goals of the Young Guns program,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions. “Mick Mulvaney is an accomplished leader for South Carolina, and he already has significant momentum behind his campaign. I am confident that he will be successful in his effort to defeat John Spratt, who is a career politician focused on Wall Street bailouts, a National Energy Tax and a government healthcare takeover, not job creation.”

As a South Carolina State Senator and president of a small business, Mick Mulvaney has a proven track record of serving South Carolinians’ best interests. Mick understands that the people of South Carolina’s Fifth District share the principles of limited government, fiscal restraint and lower taxes, personal responsibility and a focus on private enterprise to create jobs. Over his years in the South Carolina State House and Senate, Mick has been a dedicated legislator who has repeatedly championed and defended limited government and supported fiscal responsibility.

Learn more about Mick on his web site.
Click here to learn more about the Young Guns Program.