Pat Meehan Promoted in Young Guns Program

January 6, 2010

Republican Pat Meehan (PA-07) has reached ‘Contender’ status in his bid to win over an open seat being vacated by Democrat Joe Sestakin Philadelphia.
As a former U.S. Attorney, Pat Meehan has worked vigorously to end the culture of corruption in Philadelphia. Pat worked towards keeping Pennsylvania families safe and secure in their communities, in turn, helping businesses prosper and create jobs. His success as a prosecutor translates into his potential as a representative that will lead the state of Pennsylvania through this harsh economic climate. Meehan recognizes that hard-working Pennsylvania taxpayers need a representative who understands their concerns about Washington’s wasteful spending and mounting job losses in their state and is committed to bringing Pennsylvania values to Washington to help turn things around.

“Pat Meehan has already proven that he will be a formidable candidate by meeting the Young Guns program’s rigorous goals and is well on his way to building a winning campaign and putting this seat back in the Republican column,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions. “Pat is part of a strong and growing candidate pool of everyday Americans who are frustrated with the majority’s big-government ways and aren’t willing to stand idly by any longer. His campaign has put Democrats on notice that Americans are ready to turn the page on the failed experiment known as the Obama-Pelosi agenda.”

Learn more about Pat Meehan here.
For more information on the Young Guns Program, click here.