Rep. Pete Sessions: Massachusetts Senate race bodes well for Republicans

January 19, 2010

Rep. Pete Sessions, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, was as happy as any Republican tonight. Here’s what he had to say:

“Scott Brown’s win confirms the serious ramifications that will haunt Democrats all the way to the November elections. Tonight, Massachusetts voters relived their historic roots with a mass revolt against the Obama-Pelosi agenda of bigger government, higher taxes, and fewer jobs. No matter how Democrats want to spin it, there is a movement building in America that threatens their majority in Congress. All across this country there are candidates like Scott Brown who have had enough and are running to put an end to a culture of fiscal recklessness in Washington.

“The dynamics at play in New Jersey and Virginia have manifested again in the bluest of blue states. With Republicans motivated, independents disgusted, and once-reliable liberals disaffected, Democrats are wholly unable to piece together victories – even in states where they once came easily. Should Democrats continue to ignore these results and double down on their attempt to ram a government healthcare takeover down the throats of the American people, they will have far more at stake than a Senate seat in Massachusetts.”
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