National Movement Rooted in Republican Principles

January 20, 2010

From Chairman Sessions:
United States Senator Scott Brown, Republican from Massachusetts.

What a monumental victory. Who would have thought?

The Democrats are in chaos, and the political shockwaves stemming from Brown’s election will reverberate in Congressional districts from Exeter, NH, to Honolulu, HI.

Yesterday, Bay Staters sent a message to Washington: There is deep and growing discontent with the Obama-Pelosi big government, job-killing agenda in every corner of America — not one Democrat is safe.

The majority is within reach.

With the Brown campaign as our most recent example, we learn from history. Like so many Americans, Scott Brown was fed up, but he acted and ran for Senate against all odds.  Voters turned out to attend rallies by the thousands and support poured in from across the country.  Excitement and momentum took over, and Scott Brown’s message of smaller government, less spending and lower taxes connected with voters in the Blue State Capital of the Democrat Party.

This national movement is rooted in Republican principles and, ironically, it blossomed in Massachusetts.  Indeed, Obama’s policies have failed to motivate his base and repelled the independents he attracted during the campaign.

And if Massachusetts is not a safe haven for Democrats, nowhere is.

We want to have 435 Republican candidates who, like Scott Brown, have also had enough of the spending and taxing and heavy-handed governance.

If you live in a district with no Republican candidate, run for office.  It takes time, hard work and commitment, but there is no better reward than service to your country — especially in the pursuit of freedom and leaving the country you love for your children and grandchildren to enjoy.

Running isn’t for everybody, but everybody can help.  Show up to volunteer.  Help register voters in your neighborhood.  Donate money to these campaigns and to the National Republican Congressional Committee to ensure that we have the resources we need to stop the left-wing radicals in Washington.

Let’s make history with freedom and liberty prevailing over big government takeovers.  Together, we can win the majority and make John Boehner Speaker of the House.

Pete Sessions
National Republican Congressional Committee

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