Dems in Trouble in New Hampshire?

February 9, 2010

From The Campaign Spot: “There’s still the better part of a year to go, but prospects for some GOP House seat pickups in New Hampshire look pretty healthy: According to a new poll by the University of New Hampshire only 35% of likely voters approve of the job [Rep. Carol] Shea-Porter is doing in Congress. 40% disapprove. 24% are neutral or don’t know for sure how they feel. Even worse, all potential Republican candidates for Congress — even the lesser-known candidates — would defeat her if the election were held today. Former Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta performs best against Shea-Porter, defeating her in a hypothetical match up 43% -33%. But at least things look better for Democrats in the state’s other seat. Oh, wait, they don’t. In the 2nd Congressional District, Smith said name recognition works for Republican Charlie Bass, who has 37 percent of the vote against Democrat Katrina Swett’s 30 percent. Bass also is getting 39 percent support against Ann McLane Kuster’s 28 percent. Well, that open seat in the 2nd district is from a congressman running for the Senate, so they’ve got their A-team of talent in the statewide race . . . eh, no, never mind, things look bad there, too: …”
Read the Full Post by Jim Geraghty Here.
Annie Kuster for Congress