Suzan DelBene Would Pave the Way for Tax Hikes

February 9, 2010

Suzan DelBene Would Pave the Way for Tax Hikes

Democrat DelBene Would Support Her Party’s Job-Killing Agenda That Spends Too Much, Taxes Too Much and Borrows Too Much


Washington- In response to Rep. Dave Reichert’s ‘no’ vote on the Democrats’ disastrous pay-as-you-go (paygo) plan, Democrat candidate Suzan DelBene took to her Twitter account to attack the Congressman for being ‘fiscally irresponsible.’ Unfortunately for her, it appears DelBene didn’t get her party’s memo that paygo is a scheme that will raise taxes in a cynical attempt to make their spending spree seem fiscally responsible. After attacking Reichert, Washington taxpayers can only believe that DelBene fully supports her party’s fiscally reckless agenda.


“Putting the federal budget on a ‘pay as you go’ basis sounds fiscally reasonable, responsible even. But it’s nothing of the sort. Rather, it’s a gimmick intended to raise Americans’ taxes to record levels.” (“The President’s Paygo Schtick,” Investor’s Business Daily, June 10, 2009)


“The paygo ruse gives Blue Dog Democrats cover to say they voted for ‘fiscal discipline,’ even as they vote to pass the greatest entitlement expansion in modern history. The Blue Dogs always play this double game. The other goal of this new paygo campaign is to make it easier to raise taxes in 2011, and impossible to cut taxes for years after that.” (“The ‘Paygo’ Coverup,” Wall Street Journal, 6/12/10)


“With Democrats already sinking the country deep into the red, Suzan DelBene’s endorsement of a plan to bring on more debt and higher taxes is simply reckless,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “The last thing middle-class families need in Congress is another tax-hiking Democrat like Suzan DelBene who is already embracing job-killing policies that spend too much, tax too much, and borrow too much.”


Washington families can’t afford to send Suzan DelBene to Congress.

