Pelosi Head Scratcher

February 28, 2010

On ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi claimed that she didn’t want to interfere with the Ethics Committee process:

“I served for seven years on the Ethics Committee and the last thing I would have wanted would be for the Speaker of the House to interfere in a political way in what was going on there. That just should never happen.”

Read more: (ABC’s “This Week,” 2/28/10)

How, then, could she claim in 2008 to have been “assured” about when the Ethics Committee would complete its work?

“I have been assured the report will be completed by the end of this session of Congress, which concludes on January 3, 2009. I look forward to reviewing the report at that time.”

Read more: (“Pelosi Statement on Chairman Rangel,” Pelosi news release, 11/26/08)