Target Dems: We Might Support This Wildly Unpopular Healthcare Bill Because Nancy Pelosi Is Demanding It

March 2, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Jason Altmire (PA-04); Rick Boucher (VA-09); Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24); Frank Kratovil (MD-01); Michael McMahon (NY-13) and Glenn Nye (VA-02).

Kosmas: I Might Support This Wildly Unpopular Healthcare Bill Because Nancy Pelosi Is Demanding It

Report Says Kosmas Considers ‘Yes’ Vote as Dem Leaders Scramble to Pass Bill


Washington– Suzanne Kosmas made a big deal out of voting against her party’s government takeover of healthcare once, but it doesn’t look like her party bosses will afford her that luxury a second time. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi scrambles to pass her wildly unpopular healthcare agenda, she’s leaning heavily on Kosmas to flip her vote. Unfortunately for Florida taxpayers, Kosmas is telling the press that she’s ready to play ball:


“For every yes vote that switches to no, Pelosi and the White House must persuade one of the 39 Democrats who voted ‘nay’ in November to switch to yes.


“Some of the top targets may be the nine lawmakers who told The Associated Press directly or through spokesmen that they’re undecided or undeclared. Three are retiring and don’t have to worry about getting punished by voters, and five others are freshmen, mostly in competitive districts – lawmakers whom Pelosi will give a pass on tough votes when she can, but might call on when a major piece of legislation hangs in the balance.


“The retiring lawmakers are Reps. Brian Baird of Washington and Bart Gordon and John Tanner of Tennessee. The freshmen are Suzanne Kosmas of Florida, Frank Kratovil of Maryland, Scott Murphy of New York, Glenn Nye of Virginia and Michael McMahon of New York. The ninth is Rick Boucher of Virginia.” (Erica Werner, Obama Looks to Undecided Dems for Health Backing,” Associated Press, 3/2/10)


While Kosmas might be on the side of Democrat leaders, she’s on the losing end of the issue with the American public, particularly critical swing voters:


“Twenty-five percent of people questioned in the poll say Congress should pass legislation similar to the bills passed by both chambers, with 48 percent saying lawmakers should work on an entirely new bill and a quarter saying Congress should stop all work on health care reform.”


“Fifty-two percent of Independents want Congress to start work on a new bill, with 27 percent saying lawmakers should stop all work, and 18 percent saying that the current legislation should be passed into law.” (Paul Steinhauser, “Health Care Provisions Popular but Overall Bills Unpopular,” CNN Political Ticker, 2/24/10)


“It looks like Suzanne Kosmas is ready to give Nancy Pelosi and President Obama her seal of approval on a partisan healthcare bill that has already been rejected by the American people,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Kosmas might be earning the favor of her party bosses by supporting their radical agenda, but if this bill passes with her support, she won’t be in Washington long enough for it to matter.”

