NRCC Launches Project Code Red

March 3, 2010

NRCC Launches Project Code Red

Alerting America to the Democrats’ Healthcare Takeover – And How to Stop It


Washington– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) launched Project Code Red today – an aggressive, multi-front communications effort to force vulnerable Democrats to go on the record on whether they stand with American voters or Washington party bosses when it comes to the Democrat healthcare agenda. Code Red will use a combination of traditional and direct media to alert American voters and taxpayers to the seriousness of the Democrats’ job-killing government takeover of healthcare while sending a clear signal to Democrats that their support for the Obama-Pelosi healthcare agenda is politically toxic. Not only will Code Red emphasize the Democrat Party’s brazen disregard for the will of the American people, it will ensure that Republican candidates will make their Democrat opponents pay a price in November for the majority’s reckless healthcare push.


Americans have already expressed that they want Congress to scrap the bill and start over with reforms that will lower costs:


“Twenty-five percent of people questioned in the poll say Congress should pass legislation similar to the bills passed by both chambers, with 48 percent saying lawmakers should work on an entirely new bill and a quarter saying Congress should stop all work on health care reform.”


“Fifty-two percent of Independents want Congress to start work on a new bill, with 27 percent saying lawmakers should stop all work, and 18 percent saying that the current legislation should be passed into law.” (Paul Steinhauser, “Health Care Provisions Popular but Overall Bills Unpopular,” CNN Political Ticker, 2/24/2010)


President Obama himself expressed little hope that Democrats would be willing to reach a true bipartisan healthcare agreement, signaling that the Democrat majority will have to risk its own members in November in order to gather the votes to pass this wildly unpopular healthcare bill:


“And if we can’t (resolve something), then I think we’ve got to go ahead and make some decisions, and then that’s what elections are for.  We have honest disagreements about – about the vision for the country and we’ll go ahead and test those out over the next several months till November. Alright?” (“At Close of Summit, President Obama Says It’s Time for Decisions ‘And Then That’s What Elections Are For,’” ABC News, 2/25/2010)


Project Code Red will also include a media blitz by Republican doctors serving in the House, including Rep. Tom Price (GA-06), Rep. Charles Boustany (LA-07), and Rep. Michael Burgess (TX-26), who will help to expand the Republican Party’s message on healthcare. In addition, the NRCC will activate the Physicians Council for Responsible Reform, which will organize sympathetic doctors to speak out against the Democrats’ plan for a healthcare takeover.


“As Nancy Pelosi and President Obama scramble to gather votes, the House is the last line of defense to stop radical Democrat leaders from passing a wildly unpopular healthcare bill that has already been rejected by the American public,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Code Red is the vehicle that will ensure that Democrats are held accountable for supporting a reckless agenda that is overwhelmingly opposed by the people who elected them. This will be an aggressive, multi-front communications operation that will pressure Democrats to either vote ‘NO’ on the partisan Obama-Pelosi healthcare debacle or be voted out of office in November.”

