New Polls Show Heaviest Backlash for Markey (CO-04), Altmire (PA-04), Carney (PA-10); Severe Consequences for Others
March 10, 2010
A series of polls conducted by a coalition of conservative groups in 11 targeted Democrat-held congressional districts suggests widespread unease about the health care bill being pushed by President Obama.
More from A majority of voters in ten of the 11 districts opposed Obama health care plan with the opposition strongest in Colorado’s 4th, Pennsylvania’s 4th and Pennsylvania’s 10th (58 percent opposed)…The polling also suggested that the coming vote on health care could be critical to each of the members’ reelection prospects; in seven of the 11 districts, more than four in ten voters said that how their member voted would be ‘extremely important’ in determining their vote this fall.
By Code Red