EDITORIAL: Meeks' Lame Excuses

March 16, 2010

Rep. Gregory Meeks went on NY1 last night to imply that he is not a crook — no, indeed — but merely a con gressman who lent his name to a fund for Hurricane Katrina victims.

It’s just that, somehow — as The Post first reported — $30,000 raised for those folks simply went missing.

Hey, we understand. It’s easy to misplace 30 grand. Happens all the time.


“I am not a founder of New Direction,” Meeks huffed, referring to the group that oversaw the fund. “I am a congressman.”

Gee, thanks for the news flash.

But, in fact, New Direction’s Web site featured Meeks, along with state Sen. Malcolm Smith, prominently.

And at the time, Meeks vowed that “every dime, every dime” the group raised for Katrina victims would go to some 30 families.

Never happened. Or so it seems.

Meeks insisted last night that “the first time” he heard that victims got no money was when it was first reported.

Well, The Post is glad to be of service.

But Meeks should have learned about it on his own: He took extravagant credit for the effort — but now claims he “never had any fiduciary responsibility” regarding the Katrina cash.

What about moral responsibility?

Read more: (Editorial, “Meeks’ Lame Excuses,” New York Post, 03/16/2010)