Stupak Group To Vote ‘YES’ On Taxpayer Funded Abortion

March 21, 2010

After Refusing To Vote For Taxpayer Funded Abortion, Stupak Caves To Pelosi And Takes Others Down With Him:

“Democrats have reached a deal on an executive order on abortion that could hand them a victory on healthare.  ‘Eight or nine’ Democrats, including Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), will announce the deal at a 4 p.m. press conference, according to an anti-abortion Democrat. ‘We’ve changed [our votes],’ said Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-Ohio).  Driehaus said he’s seen the executive order and can now vote for the healthcare bill.  He said Stupak has signed off, as well.  Driehaus made his remarks just a few moments ago in the Speaker’s Lobby.  He said the group of ‘eight or nine’ Democrats — including Stupak — who had been withholding their votes plans to announce the deal at 4 p.m. in the House Radio/TV gallery.” (Jared Allen, “Stupak, Dems reach abortion deal; ‘eight or nine’ will vote yes,” The Hill, 03/21/10)

By Code Red