Democrat Dirty Laundry: Allegedly Anti-Wall Street Dems to Raise Cash With Wall Street Friends

April 29, 2010

Allegedly Anti-Wall Street Dems to Raise Cash With Wall Street Friends
Democrats’ Hypocrisy Comes to Light as They Head to NY to Collect “Wall Street Dough” 

SPIN CYCLE: Speaker Pelosi Vowed that Democrats Would Lead the “Most Honest, Most Open, and Most Ethical Congress in History”

“Our goal is to restore accountability, honesty and openness at all levels of government. To do so, we will create and enforce rules that demand the highest ethics from every public servant, sever unethical ties between lawmakers and lobbyists, and establish clear standards that prevent the trading of official business for gifts.” (Nancy Pelosi’s “A New Direction for America,” Page 21)


RINSE CYCLE: After Claiming to Take On Wall Street, Democrats Head to NY for a Fundraiser With Wall Street Friends

While Democrats push Wall Street regulations on the Senate floor, Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) will head to Manhattan Monday for a fundraiser with deep-pocketed donors who have ties to the financial industry.


According to an invitation obtained by POLITICO, the fundraiser is billed as a “political discussion” for those who want to contribute up to $10,000 for Gillibrand’s reelection campaign and spend the Monday evening hours with the two Democratic senators.


The event will be held at the Park Avenue home of Ralph Schlosstein, a former Carter administration official who is the CEO of the investment firm Evercore and used to work at Lehman Brothers Holdings. Schlosstein’s wife Jane Hartley, the event co-host, is seen as a leading New York Democratic donor and has given more than $300,000 to Democratic candidates in recent years.



This type of event is not unusual – both parties raise tons of money from Wall Street at exclusive Manhattan fund raising events. But the timing on this particular party may raise eyebrows because Democrats have been bashing Wall Street throughout the financial reform overhaul debate. (Manu Raju, “Democrats head to NY for Wall Street Dough,” Politico 4/29/2010)


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