May 4, 2010


DATE: MAY 4, 2010

With an electorate sick and tired of painfully high unemployment and skyrocketing deficits brought on by the Democrats’ reckless agenda, House Republicans are poised to make big gains in the Hoosier state this fall. In 2006, three Indiana Democrats rode an anti-Washington wave to the nation’s Capitol. Four years later, one of those Democrats will not be running for re-election, while another wave threatens to sweep the remaining two out of office.  Buoyed by tonight’s primary results that will put top tier challengers on the ballot, Republicans look to pick up as many as three Democratic-held seats on Election Day.

Open Seats:


IN-04 (OPEN – Rep. Steve Buyer, R)


Incumbent Rep. Steve Buyer announced his retirement in January 2010, prompting thirteen Republicans to file for his seat. Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita emerged from the crowded field to win the Republican nomination in tonight’s primary. Given that he is running in one of the most Republican-friendly districts in the country, Rokita is well on his way to being the next Congressman from Indiana’s Fourth Congressional District.


Fourth District Democrats chose Thomas Hayhurst, who is not expected to pose a serious threat this November.


History: George W. Bush won this district in 2004 with 69% of the vote and John McCain won with 56% in 2008.


Geography: The Fourth Congressional District is made up of areas south and west of Indianapolis and includes the city of West Lafayette, home to Purdue University.

IN-08 (OPEN – Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D)


Republicans became the odds-on favorite to win this seat when Rep. Brad Ellsworth announced that he would run for the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by Sen. Evan Bayh’s eleventh hour retirement.


Dr. Larry Bucshon emerged victorious out of a crowded eight-way race in tonight’s primary. As a cardiothoracic surgeon, Bucshon knows firsthand about the negative effects that the Democrats’ government takeover of healthcare will have on this country. Bucshon’s status as a political outsider sets him apart from his Democratic opponent, state Rep. Trent Van Haaften, who serves as the right-hand man to Indiana Speaker Pat Bauer.


Left in a lurch by Ellsworth’s leap to the Senate race, Democrats scrambled at the last minute to find a candidate. Filing just before the deadline was Van Haaften, who has yet to convince national Democrats that he has what it takes to win.  During his time in the legislature, Van Haaften was dogged by his cozy relationships to lobbyists and will have a difficult time convincing voters that what Washington needs is more influence from the special interests that have long bankrolled his political endeavors. Another obstacle standing in Van Haaften’s way is his less-than-stellar record of standing up for the rights of the unborn, something that is sure to prove difficult in this decidedly pro-life district.


Given the national political climate, this district’s overall Republican leanings and an extremely flawed Democratic candidate, Dr. Bucshon is in a very strong position to take back this seat in November.


History: In 2004, George W. Bush easily carried the district with 62% of the vote while John McCain carried the district with 51% in 2008.


Geography: Indiana’s Eighth Congressional district covers the southwest corner of the state, with Evansville and Terre Haute as the main population centers.



IN-02 (Rep. Joe Donnelly, D)


“One-woman SWAT team” Jackie Walorski defeated businessman Jack Jordan for the right to take on Rep. Joe Donnelly this November. As the daughter of a South Bend firefighter, Walorski has spent her entire life serving her community as a television reporter, as a fundraiser for local colleges, as a businesswoman, and as a member of Indiana General Assembly. Because of her lifetime of service within the community, her rock-solid record of standing up for Hoosier taxpayers, and her reputation for leading on tough issues, Walorski in a strong position to emerge victorious this November.


Meanwhile, Joe Donnelly faces a far more difficult political climate than he saw during his successful 2006 and 2008 campaigns. Despite promises from Washington Democrats, the local economy is still struggling as Hoosiers are forced to accept painfully high unemployment. Compounding the already bleak situation is the Obama Administration’s decision to no longer purchase Mishawaka-made AM General Humvee.  Donnelly now faces the difficult task of distancing himself from the unpopular policies, including the government takeover of healthcare, of a President with whom he has been a close ally.


History: George W. Bush carried this district in 2004 with 56%, and Barack Obama won with 54% in 2008.


Geography: Home to Notre Dame University, the Second Congressional District stretches from the shores of Lake Michigan westward to South Bend and Mishawaka to Elkhart and south to Kokomo.

IN-09 (Rep. Baron Hill, D)

In a sign that this district is hungry for a new generation of leaders, Ninth District Republicans chose Todd Young to challenge Rep. Baron Hill this fall. Young attended the U.S. Naval Academy, earning a commission as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. By defeating a former Congressman in a primary, Young has proven that he knows how to run a winning campaign against a better-known opponent.


Hill’s most dangerous enemy in this race is himself. He has earned the distinction of being the only vulnerable Democrat in Indiana to vote for the failed stimulus package, the government takeover of healthcare and the job-killing National Energy Tax.  Aside from his extremely liberal voting record, this Pelosi Puppet has a penchant for being an embarrassment to his constituents, whether it’s calling them “political terrorists,” “tired old people”, or denouncing them in a made-for-YouTube moment at a town hall meeting.


With Baron Hill’s knack for making outlandish statements and his extremely liberal voting record, Young is well positioned to send Hill into early retirement.


History: George W. Bush carried this district in 2004 with 56%, and John McCain won with 50% in 2008.


Geography: The Ninth Congressional District makes up the southeast corner of Indiana, and includes Bloomington and the Louisville suburbs of Jeffersonville and New Albany.



IN-03 (Rep. Mark Souder, R)


Incumbent Mark Souder defeated auto dealer Bob Thomas and attorney Phil Troyer in his contested primary bid. With the political climate favorable to Republicans, Souder should have no trouble winning the general election this fall.


History: George W. Bush carried this district with 68% of the vote in 2004 and John McCain won with 56% of the vote in 2008.


Geography: The Fourth Congressional district occupies the northeast corner of Indiana and includes the city of Fort Wayne.
IN-05 (Rep. Dan Burton, R)

Rep. Dan Burton successfully defended himself against six opponents in a crowded Republican primary. With this district’s strong predisposition to vote Republican, Burton should easily win re-election this fall.

History: George W. Bush carried this district with 70% in 2004 and John McCain won with 59% of the vote in 2008.

Geography: The Fifth Congressional District is primarily comprised of the northern and eastern suburbs of Indianapolis, including Hamilton County – the most Republican county in the Hoosier State.

Other Incumbents:

At present, no Republican faces serious opposition from the Democratic Party.

Statewide Roundup:

The following are the unofficial results from Tuesday’s primary election in Indiana. These results are UNOFFICIAL AND INCOMPLETE until certified by the Indiana Election Division.

DISTRICT NAME           RAW VOTE       %__

*indicates incumbent

IN-01 (Rep. Pete Visclosky, D)
Precincts Reporting: 50%
Mark Leyva                   4,328                23% – Winner
Peter Lindemulder          3,463               19%
Eric Olson                     2,956               16%
Adam Dombkowski       2,647                14%
Robert Pastore             2,461                13%
Richard Holtz                1,197                 6%
Jayson Reeves              989                   5%
Michael Petyo                557                   3%
IN-02 (Rep. Joe Donnelly, D)
Precincts Reporting: 93%
Jackie Walorski            28,285              61% – Winner
Jack Jordan                  13,223              29%
Martin Dolan                 3,518                8%
Tony Zirkle                    1,359                3%

IN-03 (Rep. Mark Souder, R)
Precincts Reporting: 100%
Mark Souder*                38,427              48% – Winner
Bob Thomas                 27,061              34%
Phillip Troyer                12,847               16%
Greg Dickman               2,126                 3%

IN-04 (OPEN – Rep. Steve Buyer, R)

Precincts Reporting: 93%
Todd Rokita                   33,776              41% – Winner
Brandt Hershman           12,786              15%
Michael Young               7,317                9%
Eric Wathen                   5,997                7%
Charles Henderson        3,751                 4%
LaRon Keith                  3,697                 4%
Jon Acton                     3,299                 4%
Cheryl Allen                   2,832                 3%
Mike Campbell              2,396                  3%
Phillip Steffen               2,287                   3%
Mark Seitz                     2,079                 2%
James Hass                  2,026                 2%
Daniel Dunham              1,120                 1%

IN-05 (Rep. Dan Burton, R)

Precincts Reporting: 99%
Dan Burton*                   32,323              30% – Winner
Luke Messer                  30,000              28%
John McGoff                20,406                19%
Michael B. Murphy         9,567                9%
Brose McVey                9,292                 9%
Andy Lyons                  3,918                 4%
Ann Adcook                  3,302                 3%

IN-07 (Rep. André Carson, D)

Precincts Reporting: 96%
Marvin Scott                 10,378              44% – Winner
Carlos May                   8,730                37%
Wayne Harmon             4,430                19%

IN-08 (Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D)

Precincts Reporting: 94%
Larry Bucshon               15,495              32% – Winner
Kristi Risk                     13,678              29%
John Smith                   4,576                10%
Dan Stockton                4,576                10%
Steve Westell                4,216                 9%
John Snyder                 2,430                 5%
Bud Bernitt                    1,418                3%
Billy Mahoney               1,347                3%

IN-09 (Rep. Baron Hill, D)

Precincts Reporting: 99%
Todd Young                   19,019              34% – Winner
Travis Hankins               17,977              32%
Mike Sodrel                   16,881              30%
Rick Warren                   1,574                3%


