Lassa to run for 7th Congressional District seat

May 10, 2010

State Sen. Julie Lassa officially got in the 7th CD race late this afternoon, talking up her connections to the district and her work as the chair of the Senate Economic Development Committee.

“The hard working men and women of our area deserve a representative who will keep fighting to turn our economy around, even when it means standing up to big special interests,” Lassa said in a statement.

“I have been a tireless advocate for our small businesses, taxpayers, and children, and in Congress I will follow the same common sense principles to deliver real results for Wisconsin.”

Dem sources this afternoon indicated lawmakers who had looked at the campaign like Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker and Sen. Pat Kreitlow have decided against a run. The state senators and others met with Obey over the weekend as Dems looked for a candidate.

Lassa will not have to give up her Senate seat to run for the 7th CD, unlike Decker and Kreitlow, who face GOP opposition this year.

Former state Sen. Kevin Shibilski said he continues to reach out to Dem activists around the district as he considers a bid for the Dem nomination.

The NRCC didn’t wait for an official announcement to get a shot in on Lassa.

NRCC spokesman Tom Erickson said in a statement that the state has lost 175,000 jobs during Lassa’s tenure as chair of the Economic Development Committee.

“America’s economy is struggling right now and sending a Madison Democrat like Lassa to Washington will only make things worse for the thousands of northwest Wisconsin families who are already struggling to make ends meet,” Erickson said in the statement.

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