Race of the Day: Kinzinger vs. Halvorson

May 13, 2010

Adam Kinzinger is the new voice that Illinois’s 11th Congressional District deserves in Washington, DC. Adam began his career in politics at the early age of 20 when he successfully challenged a 12-year Democrat incumbent for a seat on the McLean County Board. During his service, Adam brought municipal government back to the taxpayers of McLean County by advocating for a government that lives within its means.

In 2003, Adam answered his county’s call to duty and joined the United States Air Force. After earning his pilot wings, Adam served with the Air Force Special Ops and Air Combat Command, and his valor was acknowledged when he selflessly saved the life of young woman who was being assaulted by a man with knife. He has been a recipient of both the Air Force Airman’s Medal and the National Guard’s Valley Forge Cross.

Adam will be challenging Democrat incumbent Debbie Halvorson. She claims to be an independent-minded Democrat, but her liberal voting record suggests otherwise. Her stalwart support of Nancy Pelosi’s reckless agenda proves that the out-of-touch Halvorson has little concern for the values of those she represents. Halvorson has given her stamp of approval to the Democrat party’s failed stimulus bill, government takeover of healthcare and a job-killing national energy tax. With unemployment at an unacceptably high 11.5 percent, it’s shocking that Halvorson would continue to push her party’s job-killing, tax-hiking policies. It is said that actions speak louder than words; can the people of the district continue to put faith in Halvorson with a record like that?

Underscoring how out of touch she is with the district, Halvorson has been a scarce sight to the voters she claims to represent. Congress is the “House of the people,” so what exactly is she hiding from? Transparency, accountability and knowing his district is what drives Republican candidate Adam Kinzinger. Over the last few months, he has made himself available to voters at dozens of town hall meetings and continually makes himself easily accessible to all district voters. If elected, he will never forget whom he represents.

A recent poll commissioned by the Kinzinger campaign shows Adam leading Halvorson by six points. It is becoming abundantly clear that voters are no longer able to express full-confidence in Halvorson, her voting record and elusive nature. Although the 11th District has favored Democrats recently, it looks like voters are warmly receiving Adam’s message of fiscal responsibility, smaller government, accountability and local values.

The 11th District of Illinois stretches from the outer suburbs of Chicago into the heartland of the state. Prior to Halvorson’s election in 2008, when President Obama won the district with 53%, the seat was held for seven terms by Republican Jerry Weller. This is a competitive district with a Cook PVI rating of R+1 where President Bush won 54% in 2004 – and Adam Kinzinger is just the candidate to win in 2010.

Please take the time to visit Adam’s website to learn about the potential and promise this great candidate has for the 11th District.

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