May 18, 2010

DATE: MAY 18, 2010

After facing higher taxes, bigger government and higher debt that has led to Oregon’s economic downturn and to one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, taxpayers will be looking for different representation in November. In this independent state, Oregon families have become fed up with the growing size of the federal government, excessive bailouts and constant meddling of government in their everyday lives. In a politically turbulent environment for Democrats, Oregon is prime territory for Republican pickups this fall.


OR-01 (Rep. David Wu, D)

In an anti-incumbent year, David Wu is the epitome of an out-of-touch incumbent. Elected in 1998, Wu has continued to serve as a loyal rubberstamp to the Democrats’ radical agenda, voting with Nancy Pelosi 97.5 percent of the time. Throughout a decade in Congress, Wu has recklessly supported a Democrat agenda that has borrowed too much, spent too much and taxed too much. As a consequence, Oregon families have been hit hard by heightened job loss, a sluggish economy and an astronomical unemployment rate of 10.6 percent. With a growing anti-incumbent, anti-establishment constituency, voters are fed up of Wu’s reckless agenda that consists of bailouts and government takeovers.

A fresh, new candidate like Rob Cornilles offers Oregon families a better choice. Born and raised in Oregon, Cornilles has based his campaign on the central beliefs that government must provide an environment that allows businesses and families to flourish while keeping an eye on the interests of future generations. He believes that government best serves the people when it is able to help them, rather than hinder them, from reaching their full potential. Cornilles, founder and president of Game Face, Inc., is a local businessman who understands the challenges facing Oregon’s struggling economy. Outside of business, Cornilles has dedicated himself to a host of causes in the local community.

History. Congressman David Wu represents a district that John Kerry won in 2004 with 55% of the vote and Barack Obama won in 2008 with 61%. This is an independent-minded district with a Cook Partisan Voting Index of D+8.

Geography. The First Congressional District is made up of downtown Portland and includes all of suburban Washington County. The district stretches nearly 100 miles northwest from Portland to the port of Astoria on the Pacific Coast and to the southeast in Yamhill County.

OR-05 (Rep. Kurt Schrader, D)

Freshman Kurt Schrader didn’t waste any time proving his loyalty to his radical party bosses, voting with his party 97.1 percent of the time. Since being elected in 2008, Schrader has served as a loyal rubber stamp to his party’s failed trillion-dollar stimulus, a national energy tax and a disastrous healthcare takeover that will only lead to further job loss in Oregon. After repeatedly putting party politics before the needs of his constituents, Schrader has foolishly added his name to the lengthy list of freshman one-term wonders.

In stark contrast to Schrader, Republican primary winner Scott Bruun has been a reliable advocate for Oregon families by fighting for job creation and economic growth. Bruun currently serves in the Oregon House of Representatives and is vice president of investor relations for a successful Oregon-based investment company. Prior to this, Bruun was the CFO of a successful, regional commercial construction company. He also worked for more than ten years in commercial banking.

History. Congressman Kurt Schrader represents a traditional swing district that in 2004 George W. Bush narrowly won with 50% of the vote in 2004 and Barack Obama carried the district with 54% of the vote in 2008. The Corvallis area votes heavily Democratic, the Salem area is likely to vote Republican and the Clackamas County votes more moderately.

Geography. The Fifth Congressional District includes most of the Northern Willamette Valley and south to the state capital of Salem which is home of Willamette University. It also includes parts of Corvallis where the Oregon State University is located. The district also includes Lincoln and Tillamook counties and rural Polk County.

Election Results:

The following are the unofficial results from Tuesday’s primary election in Oregon. These results are UNOFFICIAL AND INCOMPLETE until certified by the Oregon Secretary of State.

*Denotes winner

51% counted
Rob Cornilles*, 10,896, 39%
Doug Keller, 8,280, 30%
John Kuzmanich, 7,914, 28%
Stephan Brodhead, 763

65% Counted
Scott Bruun*, 24,013, 63%
Fred Thompson, 14,236, 37%
