Pelosi Losing Her Liberal Base?

June 8, 2010

This morning, Speaker Nancy Pelosi demonstrated just how high above her fellow Americans she is in her seat at the top of the House of Representatives.  According to the The Washington Post, Pelosi attended a gathering of progressive activists – and, of course, there’s nothing too out of the ordinary about her pandering to her very liberal base.  What made this event different was that voters didn’t seem to be buying what she was selling…

Rather than delivering a speech to what she assumed were liberal supporters at the America’s Future Now conference, her base turned on her and shouted raucously just a few feet away from the stage.  Pelosi carried on, however, apparently unmoved by the emotion of the constituents in front of her.  As they continued shouting, Pelosi responded to their concerns with this telling statement, “I am going to make my speech over your voices.”   Someone forgot to tell Pelosi that being Speaker doesn’t mean she doesn’t she just gets to talk over everybody.

The frustrated activists, many representatives of the group ADAPT, continued to protest to the point where Pelosi’s security detail recommended removing them from the room.  Instead of facing the PR disaster that would have provoked, however, Speaker Pelosi quickly finished her speech – literally shouting over the audience – and left immediately.  We look forward to the day when the angry voices filter their way through elected representatives and Pelosi leaves Congress.

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You can read the full Washington Post article here.