When Will Target Dems Start Governing and Stop Ignoring Their Constituents?

June 17, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Jim Costa (CA-20); Jerry McNerney (CA-11) and Loretta Sanchez (CA-47).

When Will Sanchez Start Governing and Stop Ignoring Her Constituents?
CA Dems’ Stunning Admission: We Don’t Plan to do Much for the Rest of the Year

Washington- Over the past few months Congress has remained at a standstill as vulnerable Democrats like Loretta Sanchez begin their uphill battle to re-election this November. While it’s understandable that Democrats who have voted for a national energy tax, a job-killing healthcare bill and a failed trillion-dollar stimulus would fear for their political safety, it’s not fair to the constituents who elected them. Sanchez may think that avoiding issues, such as creating a budget, will protect her going into November, but it’s only highlighting her inability to govern. After visiting Washington D.C. in hopes that Congress would actually do their job and pass legislation, a group of California farmers quickly realized otherwise:

“‘Wish lists met political reality this week, as women farmers from California carried their ambitious agenda to Capitol Hill…‘We got the message that not much is going to happen,” Fresno County farmer Carol Chandler said Wednesday…”
“The farmers also now know that there’s little time left to act this year, even though lawmakers are starting to resign themselves to a lame-duck session to be convened after the November elections…Last year at this time, the House panel already had approved about half of the necessary spending bills.” (Michael Doyle, “California farmers push agenda — Capitol Hill pushes back,” McClatchy Newspapers, 6/16/2010)

“Loretta Sanchez may think that avoiding important issues such as creating a budget will help salvage her crumbling political career, but it’s only emphasizing her inability to govern,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Sanchez has already let middle-class families down by supporting her party’s radical agenda 98 percent of the time, but her refusal to fight for the best interests of her constituents is a new low for the California Democrat. With voter frustration high, Sanchez may want to rethink her approach of ignoring her constituents and the issues they care about as she enters what will be an uphill battle to re-election.”

With such high levels of voter frustration it’s no surprise that Sanchez is in fear of losing her job:

“High levels of voter frustration could spell more trouble for incumbent Democrats than incumbent Republicans, according to a National Public Radio Battleground poll released Tuesday.”
“The survey, which polled the 60 most competitive Democratic-held congressional districts and the 10 most competitive Republican-held seats, found that just 34 percent of voters in competitive Democratic-controlled districts said they would reelect their incumbent member of Congress, while 46 percent said it’s time for someone new.” (Emily Schultheis, “Poll: More trouble for Democrats,” Politico, 6/16/2010)