Bad News for Target Dems: New Poll Says Jobs Are Coloradans Top Concern

June 21, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Betsy Markey (CO-04); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) and John Salazar (CO-03).

Bad News for Markey: New Poll Says Jobs Are Coloradans Top Concern
Markey’s Job-Killing Agenda Has Failed to Stimulate Colorado’s Economy

Washington- A newly released poll indicating that jobs are the top concern for Coloradans means bad news for Democrat Betsy Markey whose anti-business, anti-jobs agenda has failed to stimulate job growth in Colorado. It’s been over a year since Markey and her Washington friends promised their trillion-dollar stimulus would result in economic recovery, but after months of high unemployment it is clear their spend-and-tax policies are not producing the results they once promised. Now, instead of addressing her party’s runaway spending and providing the fiscal discipline needed to create jobs, Markey continues to run from her most basic duty of creating a budget.

“No matter their political leanings, a majority of Coloradans believe the most pressing issue facing the country today is ‘jobs and the economy.’

“In all, 55 percent of Coloradans put jobs and the economy as the No. 1 issue facing the country. Among them was Melba Brownfield, 65, of Thornton, a Democrat living solely on Social Security. ‘I’ve seen hard times before, but I never thought I’d see it this bad,’ she said. ‘I have friends who are having so much trouble finding jobs. They just don’t seem to exist anymore.'” (Lynn Bartels, “Poll: Coloradans say jobs are nation’s primary concern,” The Denver Post, 6/21/2010)

For the first time since the Congressional Budget Act was adopted Congress has failed to do its most basic duty of producing a budget:

“…Because it won’t be a traditional budget resolution, it will be silent on future deficits, which are expected to average nearly $1 trillion for the next decade.

“Democrats have expressed concern about voting for a document showing lots of red ink in an election year.” (Walter Alarkon, “House Dems prepare alternative to budget that would avoid deficit vote,” The Hill, 6/20/2010)

“Jobs and the economy are the top concern for Colorado families, but Markey and her Washington friends’ economic policies continue to fail them,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “As Coloradans are begging for answers, they should demand that Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat leadership bring a fiscally responsible budget to the floor and finally start providing the fiscal discipline needed to create jobs. How much longer will Colorado families have to struggle before Markey and her Democrat friends finally produce results”

If this new polling isn’t evidence enough that Markey’s economic policies aren’t working, former U.S. International Trade Commission Chief Economist warns of Washington Democrats’ anti-small-business agenda:

“Peter Morici, a business professor at the University of Maryland and former chief economist at the U.S. International Trade
Commission, said Mr. Obama’s proposed small-business lending fund is “a drop in the bucket” compared with what is needed. With the estate tax scheduled to be reimposed at the end of this year, he said, small businesses will suffer even more.”

“‘I can’t imagine a president with a more anti-small-business agenda than Barack Obama,’ Mr. Morici said.”What you saw in the Rose Garden was the cynical enterprise of a cynical man. He simply doesn’t believe in the private sector, and it shows in his actions.” (Stephen Dinan and Kara Rowland, “‘Stimulus’ or not, Obama seeks new spending,'” Washington Times, 6/13/2010)
