Anger management and Rep. Ciro Rodriguez

July 12, 2010

Just two weeks ago, the Democratic National Committee put out a call for “Macaca” moments – an open invitation to anyone with a cell phone or video camera to record and share embarrassing comments from Republican politicians.

Well, turnabout is fair play, as San Antonio congressman Ciro Rodriguez – a Democrat -now can attest. Conservatives had fun today spreading a short clip in which a woman at a Rodriguez meet-the-congressman event this weekend accuses him of lying about costs of the new health care plan.

The fact that she had a camera running suggests an intention to provoke an outburst. The fact that Rodriguez rewarded her efforts suggests he neglected a basic rule that every politician has known since Virginia’s then-senator George Allen blew his reelection and shot at the White House by calling an opposition videographer macaca: If there’s a lens or microphone in your face, be on your best behavior.

“Ma’am, don’t accuse me of not saying the truth,” the congressman demands, taking a few steps toward his accuser.

Someone nearby says something off-camera about his behavior not being appropriate. That seems to make Rodriguez even angrier. He slaps the table with papers in his hand, then quickly steps back. Not exactly menacing behavior, but not a picture of self-control, either.

The clip is tightly edited, so it’s unclear if other hecklers had been baiting him nor if he apologized in person for the flash of temper. The rightwing Breitbart website and others began to circulate it, along with GOP nominee Francisco “Quico” Conseco. Rodriguez issued a statement in which he apologized for losing his temper. He also accused operatives associated with his rival of trying to “hijack” his event. (Wonkette labels her a “snotty teabagger lady.”)

On the bright side for Rodriguez, this is the year of the angry voter. Maybe they’ll think he’s one of them….

And he did say “ma’am.”

Click here to read the full story.