Walorski raises $260,000 in second quarter

July 16, 2010

Republican congressional candidate Jackie Walorski raised more campaign cash than incumbent Democrat Joe Donnelly during the second quarter, according to reports filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission.

Walorski’s campaign raised $260,111 from April through June, according to the reports.

Donnelly raised $249,737 during the same period.

Walorski, a three-term state representative from Jimtown, said the numbers show she has the momentum in the 2nd District race.

“These numbers reflect what I’m hearing in coffee shops and living rooms across the district — more Hoosiers by the day want a new direction in Washington,” she said in a news release. “Whether it’s the failed stimulus bill, the disastrous health care bill or the out-of-control spending, people feel they have lost their voice in government — they feel like no one is fighting for them.”She added, “Our campaign is showing Hoosiers every day that we’re listening to them and we’re going to fight for them.”

Despite raising less money than Walorski during the second quarter, Donnelly still holds the overall financial advantage in the race.

He had $989,000 on hand at the end of the second-quarter reporting period, while Walorski had nearly $303,000 on hand.

“Joe’s campaign is in a very strong position and he has more than three times as much money as Jackie in the bank,” Donnelly’s campaign manager, Mike Schmuhl, responded in an e-mail.

“Joe will use these resources to wage a vigorous campaign and, in doing so, make clear that middle- and working-class families can’t afford to go back to the kind of policies that Jackie embraces,” Schmuhl said. “Joe has proven over the years that he has the mettle to win and he won’t be outworked by anyone.”

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