NRCC Launches Web Video: 100 Days Till Election

July 24, 2010

NRCC Launches Web Video: 100 Days Till Election
GOP Leader John Boehner Marks Opportunity to Stop Obama-Pelosi Agenda In Its Tracks

Washington– With 100 days to before Election Day, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released a new web video featuring Republican Leader John Boehner. November 2nd marks an historic opportunity to take a stand for freedom and the future of our country and elect a Majority that will fight to cut government spending, help small businesses create new jobs, repeal ObamaCare, and make Congress more open and accountable. Americans simply can’t afford the reckless Obama-Pelosi agenda and in 100 days they will have the chance to stop it in its tracks.

To watch the video, click here.
“With 100 days to go until Election Day, Republicans are focused on our goal to retire Nancy Pelosi and fight our way back to a majority,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “After months of high unemployment, the highest national debt in history, and an out-of-touch Democrat majority that has repeatedly proven their inability to govern, Americans are fed up and ready to put a stop to the failed experiment known as the Obama-Pelosi agenda. As fear swells among Democrats in Washington, the momentum behind Republicans will send us on the road to victory.”

Recent news, polling and second quarter fundraising show that Republicans have the momentum:

“A little more than 100 days before voters head to the polls, control of the House beyond 2010 is a question of genuine suspense. Our current outlook remains a Republican pickup of between 30 and 40 seats, with a larger gain not out of the question. There are now 76 Democratic-held seats where the leading GOP candidate has at least $200,000 in the bank. More than half of states have held their primaries, and now that the second fundraising quarter of the year has ended, campaigns are moving into high gear.” (Charlie Cook, “The House 100 Days Out: Are Republicans Ready for Prime Time?” Cook Political Report, 7/22/2010)

“The fundraising figures released by the two parties’ House campaign committees on Tuesday — the National Republican Congressional Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee each collected about $9 million in June… the NRCC outraised the DCCC over the past three months ($21.7 million to $19.3 million) and has outraised them for all of 2010 ($39 million to $38 million). Money does tend to follow momentum in politics and, Republican strategists argue, donors now clearly believe that the House majority is up for grabs and want to be on the side playing offense… Republicans have to feel good about the direction that their fundraising is headed. While they would always like to have more money to spend on an ever-broadening playing field, the recent strength of their cash collection operation suggests that they will have enough money to take considerable — if not full — advantage of the national winds blowing in their direction.” (Chris Cillizza, “Money versus momentum in the fight for House control,” Washington Post, 7/21/2010)

“The national political environment shows no sign of changing between now and November, a bad sign for Democrats. National polls generally continue to show President Barack Obama’s job approval ranging from the mid-40s to the low 50s, and voters are strongly inclined to deliver another message of change… We now have 23 Democratic seats at least tilting toward the GOP, with just two Republican seats going in the Democrats’ direction. The large number of Democratic toss-ups and leans show why Democratic control of the House after November is very much in doubt. We reiterate our view that substantial Republican gains are inevitable and are increasing our target for most likely GOP gains from 25-30 seats to 28-33 seats. However, it is important to note that considerably larger Republican gains in excess of 39 seats are quite possible.” (Stuart Rothenberg, “House Outlook For 2010,” Rothenberg Political Report, 7/19/2010)
