EDITORIAL: Justin Bernier for Congress
You can bet that the race for the 5th District U.S. Congress seat will be competitive this fall. Traditionally a “battleground” district due to a pretty even split in party affiliation, a seat that tipped to the Democrats four years ago could be back in play due to nationwide dissatisfaction with Congress’ approach to the economy and health care.
One candidate stands out in the three-way race for the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent Congressman Chris Murphy Aug. 10. Justin Bernier’s background is ideal for this job. A veteran of the war in Afghanistan, he became the youngest member of the governor’s cabinet in early 2008 when Jodi Rell named him executive director of the Connecticut Office of Military Affairs. Prior to his tour in Afghanistan, Bernier was an aide to then-Congressman Rob Simmons and played a key role in fighting to save the submarine base in New London. He holds a degree in economics. Bernier is talking about the right issues (“it’s the economy, stupid”), while his opponents follow tangents designed to appeal to the extreme fringes that can cobble together a win in some party primaries but backfire come November. Litchfield businessman Mark Greenberg has made it clear that he will be the type of congressman who ends up on the losing end of a lot of 434-1 votes. He takes an extreme libertarian-type approach to most issues, and “won’t compromise.” Connecticut and the country can benefit from Greenberg’s take on things, but the 5th District can’t afford to be represented by someone who refuses to participate in the basic process of lawmaking, which requires compromise. Waterbury state Sen. Sam Caligiuri, who switched from the race for U.S. Senate to this one after better-financed candidates entered that contest, has positioned himself as too extreme on social issues. If he wins on Aug. 10, expect a campaign from special interest groups on both sides that has little to do with the most important issues affecting jobs and our economy. In contrast, Justin Bernier is an articulate advocate of smaller government and a reduced regulatory and tax burden, while approaching topics such as immigration policy and social issues with the nuance they deserve. He would be a strong, focused voice in Congress for Northwest Connecticut, and we are proud to endorse him in the Aug. 10 Republican primary. |