'The Young Guns' who hope to Gallup into leadership
Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Paul Ryan (Wisc.) see themselves as superheroes. A political version of the Justice League, but without the spandex costumes or women. They have written a self-aggrandizing book due out Sept. 14 entitled “The Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders.” That the youngest of the guns is 40 (Ryan) should be ignored. What can’t be ignored is that these conservative caped crusaders might be in our faces a whole lot more after Nov. 2. According to the latest Gallup tracking poll, 51 percent say they will vote for an unnamed Republican candidate for Congress and 41 percent for the Democrat. That’s the biggest gap ever in the history of that poll. As The Fix writes this morning, “[Y]es, ever….”
Now, I’m going to be honest. “The Young Guns” will not grace my nightstand. Heck, I’m only on chapter seven of “Too Big to Fail.” More importantly, the folks at Politico who reviewed an advanced copy of the book basically call “Young Guns” the “US Weekly” of thought books.
The GOP’s “Young Guns” are long on platitudes and personality but short on policy details in a new book scheduled for publication just weeks before a midterm election that could propel them into power….
In stark contrast to Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America,” the one-page manifesto that accompanied the 1994 Republican takeover of the House, “Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders” is a 224-page marketing tool for the men who hope to run the House. It critiques the problems of the White House and congressional Democratic governance, while offering limited prescriptions for change.
Oh, but break out the popcorn ’cause the best part of the book promotion is the commercial.
As trailers go, it’s not bad. All that’s missing is a car chase, a love story and Nicolas Cage.
Unlike “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” I’m pretty certain “The Young Guns” is a movie I wouldn’t want to see in its entirety. But if the Gallup poll is right, I might not have a choice.
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