Who is on the DCCC’s Casualty List?

September 5, 2010

Who is on the DCCC’s Casualty List?
Highly Vulnerable Dems Like Markey, Perriello, Kratovil, Spratt, and Pomeroy Could Fall Victim to House Democrat Leadership’s ‘Brutal Triage’ Campaign

Washington- House Democrats will be returning to Washington from their recess break next week and they will not be receiving a warm welcome from Democrat party bosses. In fact, the New York Times is reporting that the political climate is so dire for House Democrats that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and House leaders will be forced to cut off vulnerable members whose chances for re-election are getting slimmer by the day. If vulnerable Democrats like Betsy Markey, Tom Perriello, Frank Kratovil, John Spratt and Earl Pomeroy had any hope left to climb out of the hole they have dug for themselves, being added to the DCCC’s causality list could cement their impending loss. As the political environment for House Democrats grows more toxic by the day, the question remains: “Who is on the DCCC’s casualty list?”

“It’s obvious that Democrat leaders are beginning to wave the white flag as the political environment grows more toxic by the day, but throwing their own members to the wolves is as cold-hearted as it gets,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “The Democrats’ casualty list is proof positive that their majority is in play and they are growing nervous as November quickly approaches. With the economy in shambles and the out-of-touch Democrat majority wading in a swamp of corruption that they once promised to drain, Americans are ready to hold them accountable this fall.”

“In the next two weeks, Democratic leaders will review new polls and other data that show whether vulnerable incumbents have a path to victory. If not, the party is poised to redirect money to concentrate on trying to protect up to two dozen lawmakers who appear to be in the strongest position to fend off their challengers.”
“With the midterm campaign entering its final two months, Democrats acknowledged that several races could quickly move out of their reach, including re-election bids by Representatives Betsy Markey of Colorado, Tom Perriello of Virginia, Mary Jo Kilroy of Ohio and Frank Kratovil Jr. of Maryland, whose districts were among the 55 Democrats won from Republicans in the last two election cycles.” (Jeff Zeleny and Carl Hulse, “Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House,” New York Times, 9/04/2010)

With less than 60 days until November’s midterm elections, all signs point to big Democrat losses:

“’But conditions have deteriorated badly for Democrats over the summer. The economy appears rotten, with little chance of a substantial comeback by November 2nd. Unemployment is very high, income growth sluggish, and public confidence quite low. The Democrats’ self-proclaimed ‘Recovery Summer’ has become a term of derision, and to most voters—fair or not—it seems that President Obama has over-promised and under-delivered.” (Larry J. Sabato, “Sixty Days to Go,” Sabato’s Crystal Ball, 9/02/2010)
“Simply put, Democrats find themselves heading into a midterm election that looks as grisly as any the party has faced in decades. It isn’t hard to find Democratic pollsters who privately concede that the numbers they are looking at now are worse than what they saw in 1994.” (Charlie Cook, “No Help On The Horizon For Dems,” National Journal, 9/01/2010)

Betsy Markey, Tom Perriello, Frank Kratovil, John Spratt and Earl Pomeroy all foolishly put their careers on the line to support the Obama-Pelosi agenda and now that Democrat leaders got what they wanted they’ve thrown these vulnerable Democrats to the wolves.
