NRCC Announces Sixth Round of ‘Young Guns’ Candidates

September 16, 2010

NRCC Announces Sixth Round of ‘Young Guns’ Candidates
18 Republican Candidates Reach Top Level of Young Guns Program

Washington- The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced today that 18 new Republican candidates have reached ‘Young Gun’ status, the highest level of its three-tiered Young Guns program. With less than 50 days until the election, these new Young Guns are ready to turn the page on the out-of-touch Democrat majority’s failed economic agenda.

“The economy is on the brink of disaster and House Democrats continue to push the same tried and failed policies that led to its downturn,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions. “Americans are facing one of the worst recessions in history and it is more important than ever that Congress provides the fiscal discipline needed to create jobs. These Young Guns will fight for the middle-class families that have suffered under the Democrats’ reckless spending spree and offer sound solutions to get the economy back on track and Americans working again.”

Originally founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) as a member-driven organization, the Young Guns program has become an official NRCC effort dedicated to electing open-seat and challenger candidates nationwide. Reps. Cantor, McCarthy and Ryan remain actively involved in the Young Guns program, working together to recruit and prime conservative leaders for victory.

“The latest Young Guns class is a testament to the strength of our candidates this year,” said House Republican Whip Eric Cantor. “When these 18 Young Guns come to Washington as new members of Congress, they’ll join our fight to change the culture of spending that the Democrat majority has forced on our country.”

“As America stands at a tipping point and in need of new solutions to cut the debt and grow jobs, we are excited to announce 18 strong candidates who have earned Young Gun status,” said NRCC Recruitment Chair Kevin McCarthy. “Seventy-five candidates have earned Young Gun status, which is more than enough seats needed to take back the majority.”

“To combat Washington’s reckless spending and borrowing binge, the American people are in need of reinforcements in Congress,” said Congressman Paul Ryan. “These 18 Young Guns will play a critical role in charting a new fiscal and economic course for our nation. We need a new generation of leaders that will fight to spur job creation now, lift our crushing debt burden, and reclaim the promise and prosperity of this great nation.”

The NRCC’s Sixth Round Of ‘Young Guns’ Candidates Are:

Randy Altschuler (NY-01)
Charlie Bass (NH-02)
Randy Demmer (MN-01)
Ryan Frazier (CO-07)
Bob Gibbs (OH-18)
Frank Guinta (NH-01)
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Harold Johnson (NC-08)
Dan Kapanke (WI-03)
Mike Keown (GA-02)
Spike Maynard (WV-03)
Jeff Miller (NC-11)
Ilario Pantano (NC-07)
Reid Ribble (WI-08)
Bobby Schilling (IL-17)
Austin Scott (GA-08)
Scott Tipton (CO-03)
Van Tran (CA-47)