Ed Martin Advances to Top Level of Young Guns Program

October 6, 2010

Ed Martin Advances to Top Level of Young Guns Program
Missouri Republican Reaches ‘Young Gun’ Status with Clear Path to Victory

Washington– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced today that Ed Martin (MO-03) has reached ‘Young Gun’ status, the premiere level of its three-tiered Young Guns program. By advancing to the program’s top tier, Martin has proven his ability to build a winning campaign and achieve substantial fundraising goals. With an anti-incumbent sentiment sweeping throughout Missouri, Martin is poised to pose a strong challenge to three-term Democrat Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO)

“Ed Martin is ready to take on Democrat incumbent Russ Carnahan, an out-of-touch Washington insider who has recklessly supported his party’s runaway spending spree which has led to unacceptably high unemployment and joblessness,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX). “Ed’s campaign is a symbol of the growing momentum behind Republican candidacies in Missouri and across the country. As Democrats in Washington continue to push their big-government, big-spending policies onto the backs of hard-working families, leaders like Ed Martin will continue to present a clear alternative to a majority that continues to spend too much, borrow too much and tax too much.”

Ed Martin knows the meaning of public service and has dedicated his life to working to better the lives of Missouri families. His dedication to his community led him to found the website saveAB.com, and subsequently lead an 85,000 citizen-strong effort to stop the sale of Anheuser-Busch to a foreign corporation. An active member in his community, he has served as Director of the Human Rights Office for the Archdiocese of St. Louis and as Executive Director of the Missouri Club for Growth—a low tax, small government advocacy group. Having the experience and personal enthusiasm for the job, Martin is sure to prove to be a leader in scaling back the size of government and cutting taxes to spur job creation.

Originally founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Paul Ryan (R-WI) as a member-driven organization, the Young Guns program has become an official NRCC effort dedicated to electing open-seat and challenger candidates nationwide. Reps. Cantor, McCarthy and Ryan remain actively involved in Young Guns, working together to recruit and prime Republican leaders for victory.

Now that Ed Martin has completed the Young Guns’ benchmarks to place him on the road to victory, he is ready to take on out-of-touch Democrat Russ Carnahan in November.

For more information, click here.
