Race of the Day: Pelosi's Puppet in Pennsylvania

October 7, 2010

Breaking 39 Days Campaign Update:

Good news from the Keystone State.  The latest polling in Pennsylvania’s Third Congressional District polling has Republican Mike Kelly up by 13 points in a race that political handicapper Stu Rothenberg has rated as “Lean Republican”.

When Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper’s record is taken into full account, the buzz surrounding this campaign isn’t shocking and several polls show her trailing by double digits.  Since Dahlkemper took office in 2009, unemployment in the district has risen from 6.8% to nearly 9.3%.  She’s also been called out for distorting her record, all the while supporting her party’s failed stimulus bill, higher taxes and more debt.

Pennsylvanian’s overdue for the “change” they deserve and thought they were voting for in the last election.  Unlike Dahlkemper, GOP challenger Mike Kelly has been listening to the concerns of the people of Northwestern Pennsylvania and will be ready to represent their best interests in Washington come January.

Original Post (07/16/2010):

This November, voters in Northwestern Pennsylvania have a prime opportunity to put a seat back in the Republican column and help stop Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s job-killing, tax-and-spend agenda. After only barely defeating Republican Phil English in 2008, Kathy Dahlkemper currently represents Pennsylvania’s Third District. This fall, Dahlkemper enters another uphill battle as she faces Republican candidate Mike Kelly, who has a record as a job creator and is committed to holding the line on spending and paying down the debt.

Traditionally a GOP seat, this district earns an R+3 rating from Charlie Cook’s PVI. Located in the northwestern part of the state, Pennsylvania’s Third District includes all of Erie County and most of Mercer, Butler and Crawford counties, as well as portions of Warren, Venango and Armstrong counties. George W. Bush comfortably claimed victory in Pennsylvania’s Third in both 2000 and 2004. Barack Obama prevailed here by an exceedingly narrow margin of 17 votes. In 2008, political newcomer Dahlkemper barely won by a two percent margin. Since taking office, she’s spent her days helping Speaker Pelosi muscle through a partisan agenda and voting in lock-step with the San Francisco liberal almost 94% of the time. However, after winning a crowded primary in May, popular Republican candidate Mike Kelly presents Republicans with an excellent opportunity to recapture this seat.

Dahlkemper is firmly positioned as one of Speaker Pelosi’s most loyal allies. In a year like 2010 where Democrats face a strong headwind, Dahlkemper’s liberal record will not work in her favor with voters in Northwestern Pennsylvania. She supported the trillion-dollar failed stimulus bill, tax hikes on middle-class families and small business owners, and a government-takeover of healthcare. She stood with Pelosi in unveiling ObamaCare, and then tossed aside her pro-life campaign promise and opened the door for taxpayer-funded abortions. Moreover, Dahlkemper has failed to focus on one of the most important issues facing her constituents: jobs.

In contrast, Mike Kelly stands for the Republican ideals and conservative values that America needs to get the economy back on track. Bringing a tremendous work ethic and solid moral stance to politics, Mike champions limited government and cutting back wasteful spending. A job creator and community leader, Mike has served Northwestern Pennsylvanians throughout his life. He knows what it takes to grow a business, and he will deliver much-needed leadership in Congress to help balance the budget and lessen the tax burden on small business owners and middle-class families. Extensively involved his local community, Mike serves as a committee member on multiple city and county councils and actively participates in youth education and sports organizations.

Pennsylvania voters can make a difference by electing Mike to Congress and retiring Pelosi Puppet Kathy Dahlkemper. I hope you will check out Mike’s website and Facebook page to stay informed on the latest news and updates from his campaign.

Click here to read the full story.