Recess Roastings: Constituents Roast Oberstar as He Attempts to Defend the “Colossal Mountain of Debt”

October 20, 2010

Constituents Roast Oberstar as He Attempts to Defend the “Colossal Mountain of Debt”
Angry Minnesotans Protest Dems’ Failed Policies of the Past Two Years

As Congress Adjourned Early, Democrats Touted Their Accomplishments of the 111th Congress and Hurried Home to Campaign for Their Reelections:

“The speaker brushed aside criticism directed at the Congress for adjourning 34 days before the congressional midterm elections on November 2.

“‘Our members are called ‘representatives,’ and as I say over and over again, your job description and title is one of the same: Representative,’ Pelosi said.

‘Our constituents want us to hear what they are saying about the issues to they can represent us. So our members are doing the other part of their job, listening to constituents, and listening to what their priorities are, so that they can come back here and fight for those priorities. The job is not just what happens in Washington, DC. It is almost two jobs. A job in your district and a job in Washington, DC to come here and legislate and vote. So our members work very hard.’” (John R. Parkinson, “House Dems Tout Accomplishments of 111th Congress,” ABC News, 09/30/10)

Recess Roasting: Crowd of 1,800 Boos Vulnerable 18-Term Democrat Jim Oberstar as He Attempts to Defend the Democrats’ Failed Economic Policies

To watch the video, click here.
