Suzan DelBene’s Two-Faced Ways

October 22, 2010

Suzan DelBene’s Two-Faced Ways
Pelosi Puppet DelBene Claims to be Moderate, but the Truth is She’s “a Down-the-Line Liberal”

Washington- While Suzan DelBene may promise to bring a “moderate” voice to Congress, she continues to back Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat leaders’ radical job-killing policies. DelBene has already acquired a lengthy record of supporting the failed stimulus, government-run healthcare, and even the more extreme public option. In fact, just recently, DelBene pledged in a Daily Kos questionnaire not to become a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of House Democrats that claim to have a bipartisan approach. Her unwavering support for Speaker Pelosi’s radical agenda on the campaign trail proves that she is nothing more than a fiercely loyal Pelosi puppet.

“While Suzan DelBene continues to paint herself as a ‘moderate,’ her political double-speak is wearing thin,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “DelBene’s support for the Democrats’ wasteful spending sprees and massive new government programs proves that she would be willing to push the interest and values of Washington families aside in order to serve as a rubberstamp for Nancy Pelosi’s radical agenda in Congress. By recently pledging to Daily Kos not to join the self-proclaimed ‘moderate’ Blue Dog Coalition, DelBene has just officially pledged her loyalty as a Pelosi puppet.”

DelBene may tout her centrist approach to voters, but political analyst Stuart Rothenberg points out that she is really “a down-the-line liberal.”

“…the Reed College graduate is a down-the-line liberal — pro-stimulus, pro-cap-and-trade, pro-House-health-care-bill, anti-Stupak-amendment (a measure that is offensive to abortion-rights advocates)…” (Stuart Rothenberg, “Can These Democrats Swim Against the Current in 2010?” CQ Politics, 03/11/10)

As DelBene proves to be just another loyal party-line Democrat on the campaign trail, surely Washington voters will see through her false and empty promises on Election Day.
