Martin Heinrich Lowers the “Bar” for Ethical Standards

October 27, 2010

Martin Heinrich Lowers the “Bar” for Ethical Standards
Heinrich’s Favorite Albuquerque Bar Hits Jackpot with Stimulus

Washington- Today, vulnerable Democrat incumbent Martin Heinrich will host his final fundraiser with Sen. Tom Udall and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine at his favorite Albuquerque bar, O’Niell’s Irish Pub. Heinrich’s vote for the trillion-dollar stimulus failed to create the promised jobs, but it did help funnel nearly $1 million in taxpayer-backed loans through federal stimulus funds to O’Niells, according to

“Coincidently, Martin Heinrich’s vote for the failed trillion-dollar stimulus has helped use nearly $1 million in taxpayer money to help the same bar that he uses to wine and dine his donors at political fundraisers and birthday parties,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “While middle-class families and small businesses suffer under the Pelosi-Heinrich job-killing agenda, misappropriating taxpayer funds for political gain is a slap in the face to the people of New Mexico that Heinrich was elected to represent. While Heinrich continues to tout job creation, it’s painfully obvious that it is just a ploy to distract from his ethical failures and out-of-touch values. Martin Heinrich has let down New Mexico families for the last time – it’s time to let him go this Tuesday.”

O’Niell’s received the stimulus aid through a Small Business Administration program that makes loans to businesses unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace. An active Heinrich campaign contributor according to the Federal Election Commission, the owner of the bar, Robert S. O’Niell, has allowed Heinrich to use the venue for numerous campaign events in the past, including Heinrich’s own birthday party on October 14, 2008 and a fundraiser this past September. In addition, the politically connected bar owner has hosted events in support of other Democrats, including a September 28, 2008 fundraiser for State Senator Tim Eichenberg, an event celebrating the inauguration of President Obama, and an event celebrating the re-election of State Senator Cisco McSorley, whose campaign for State Land Commissioner Heinrich managed in 2002.

Martin Heinrich slapped taxpayers with a million-dollar stimulus bar tab, but on Election Day in less than one week, Heinrich will have to pay for it.
