Sessions Statement on Election Results

November 2, 2010

Sessions Statement on Election Results

Washington- National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) issued the following statement in response to tonight’s election results as Republicans secured a majority in the House of Representatives:

“For the last two years, Republicans have said that this election would serve as a referendum on the Obama-Pelosi agenda. Democrats have now heard that message loud and clear. The American people want an end to the job-killing policies, the profligate spending, and the insider dealing that has poisoned the legislative process and thrived under a Democrat-run Washington. It is time for a change of direction.

“When Washington politicians govern by shamelessly ignoring the will of the American people, the consequences are jarring. Two years after Democrats celebrated their second consecutive Election Day sweep, Republicans have captured a new majority in the House of Representatives in a fashion that can only be described as historic. However, the short-lived tenure of the Democrat-led Congress reminds us that majorities serve at the will of the voters, and when their will is ignored, they maintain the right to expel us from their House.

“Though many deserve credit for the hard work that went into this victory, now is not a time for celebration. Instead, it is a reminder that there is still much work to be done. The American people spoke out, demanding an end to Washington’s spending sprees, a commitment to creating jobs and reviving our economy, and increased transparency and accountability from our elected leaders. With this victory comes great responsibility. Throughout the campaign, Republicans listened carefully to the public’s outcry and we have made a pledge to the American people that we will not take their trust for granted. Tonight, we accomplished our goal of wresting the gavel away from Nancy Pelosi. Now the real work begins.”
