Defeated Dem University: Alumni Update

February 18, 2011

DC Chapter of DDU Alumni Association Established

After pushing through Congress numerous reckless tax-and-spend policies that have left middle-class families under a mountain of debt and have skyrocketed the unemployment rate, defeated Democrats from 2010 are looking to find new employment and, unlike most Americans, they are being rewarded with top jobs: “The group, which includes members who lost their re-election bids as well as those who retired last cycle, first met during last year’s lame-duck session of Congress. They now huddle by phone once or twice a month with Israel and DCCC recruiting chair Allyson Schwartz (Pa.) leading the chat. Roughly 90 percent of the Democrats who lost in 2010 participate.” (Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake, “Steve Israel’s alumni association,” Washington Post’s The Fix Blog, 2/16/11)

Former Rep. Allen Boyd (Energy Tax Economics, ‘10) Takes Lobbying Job

After 14 years of living a double-life, Allen Boyd (FL-02) can now finally focus on the interests he always watched out for – special interests. A member of the Flip-Flop-Five, who turned their backs on Americans by supporting a government takeover of healthcare, Boyd was defeated in 2010 for ignoring his constituents’ concerns for over a decade: “Former Rep. Allen Boyd, the ‘Blue Dog’ Democrat defeated in November, has taken a job as a lobbyist. Boyd will work for Twenty-First Century Group in Washington. ‘Having known and worked with Allen Boyd for over a decade, I am very enthusiastic about adding him to our team at Twenty-First Century Group,’ said CEO Jack Fields, a former lawmaker himself. ‘He brings with him a definitive knowledge of the legislative process having served seven terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. His experience on the Appropriations and Budget Committees will prove invaluable in accomplishing the goals of our clients.’” (Alex Leary, “Allen Boyd takes lobbying job,” St. Petersburg Times, 02/16/11)

Obama Rewards Former Rep. Betsy Markey (Government Takeovers, ‘10) with Administration Post

Another Flip-Flop-Five accomplice, one-term-wonder Betsy Markey (CO-04) has been rewarded for her continual opposition and complete negligence of her Colorado constituents. After voting in lockstep with her Democrat party and throwing her support to them while throwing her constituents under the bus, Markey, who was also known as Betsy Markey-Mezvinsky, is being rewarded by her close ally President Obama, with a senior administration post: “Former Rep. Betsy Markey will return to Washington to work for the federal government, this time with the Department of Homeland Security…The Fort Collins Democrat will spend the weekend moving back to Washington and start on Tuesday as the assistant secretary for intergovernmental affairs at the Department of Homeland Security…Markey has been involved in government in one role or another for 30 years…She said she’s looking forward to the new position. ‘It suits my past experience in federal government,’ she said. ‘I’m glad to be back in federal service.’” (Nate A. Miller, “Markey to join Department of Homeland Security,” Greeley Tribune, 02/16/11)

DCCC Recruit Herseth Sandlin (Stimulus Studies, ‘10) Likely to Join K Street Lobbying Firm

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, who forgot her South Dakota values and lived in Washington while supposedly representing SD, could easily transition into a new job with a Washington special interest lobbying firm very soon. Herseth Sandlin was defeated for forgetting where she came from. Now that she’ll be part of K Street, it will be impossible for her to ever relate to her SD constituents again: “Former Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-S.D.), who lost her re-election bid last year, is in serious and final negotiations to join the law and lobbying firm Olsson Frank Weeda, three sources confirmed to Roll Call…As recently as Wednesday, the Rapid City Journal reported that the ex-Congresswoman was still considering a bid for her old seat in the 2012 elections. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (N.Y.) told reporters Wednesday he has exchanged e-mails with Sandlin, who lost by 7,000 votes in a statewide race against now-Rep. Kristi Noem (R) last fall. ‘She hasn’t told us whether she’s interested or not,’ Israel said. ‘But we would love to have her back and we think she’d be a very strong candidate.’” (Kate Ackley and Anna Palmer, “Herseth Sandlin Likely to Join Lobby Firm,” Roll Call, 02/17/11)

Arcuri (Big-Government Regulations, ‘10) to Aid Others Maneuver through the Red Tape He Brought to Government

After helping his party ram through a big government agenda filled with higher taxes and reckless spending, Michael Arcuri is heading to the private sector. In Congress he voted in lockstep with his Washington leaders and his party’s liberal special interests, and in his new role it seems like he will be working to advance the same partisan politics in Washington: “Former U.S. Rep. Michael Arcuri, a Democrat from Utica who represented parts of Central New York for two terms in Congress, has a new job with a Syracuse law firm. Arcuri began working Monday at Hancock Estabrook, LLP, where he will focus on litigation, government affairs and corporate law… Working out of the Syracuse firm’s offices in AXA Towers, Arcuri said he will specialize in helping businesses interface with the state and federal government on administrative and regulatory matters…Arcuri said his new job does not necessarily signal an end to his political career, but he said his focus will be on his legal work. ‘You never say never, but I can tell you I am very happy in this aspect of life,’ Arcuri said when asked if he would consider running for Congress again.” (Mark Weiner, “Former Rep. Michael Arcuri joins Syracuse law firm,” Post-Standard, 02/15/11)

Former Rep. Bob Etheridge (Physical Education, ‘10) to Spend Stimulus Dollars

After Former Congressman Bob Etheridge crashed and burned in a very public way – voters gave Etheridge the boot this past November. Now he will make $98,500 a year to disperse federal stimulus dollars: “Former Democratic U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge will take office today as director of the state Office of Economic Recovery and Investment, overseeing the spending of federal stimulus money… The state has received more than $10.5 billion in federal stimulus money. Nearly 80 percent has been disbursed. The money will continue to flow through at least 2012. Etheridge will earn $98,500 a year.” (Rob Christensen, “Etheridge to ride herd on stimulus dollars,” The News & Observer, 2/12/2011)

NRCC Congratulates DDU on Latest Alumni News

“If Steve Israel thinks that their best chance at a comeback is to run lobbyists and government bureaucrats as their candidates, then they’re in an even worse position than they thought. These Democrats were kicked out of Congress because they were ineffective, out-of-touch and wrong for their districts. If they now think they can go from these roles to being candidates again, then they’re obviously still in denial and have yet to understand why voters rejected their big-government policies in November.” – Joanna Burgos, NRCC Spokeswoman