NRCC Targeted Calls: Dems’ Policies Could Raise Gas Prices and Restrain American-Made Energy

March 23, 2011

NRCC Targeted Calls: Rahall’s Policies Could Raise Gas Prices and Restrain American-Made Energy
Nick Rahall Disappoints as He Backs Policies that Could Make Pain at the Pump Worse

Washington—The National Republican Congressional Committee today released targeted calls that highlight Nick Rahall’s continual support for policies that only make things harder on West Virginia families. As Rahall continues to make his constituents a second priority to that of his party, Rahall further distances himself from the West Virginia border and pushes himself deeper into the Washington, DC bubble.

“While West Virginia families and small businesses are tightening their belts in every possible way, Nick Rahall is looking for ways to make things even tighter,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Not only has Rahall voted for several measures that have stifled economic growth, but he is now in support of policies that could make gas prices higher and put further constraints on American-made energy. Nick Rahall should be at the front of the movement in fighting for his constituents, but his record of supporting big-government initiatives in Washington will only make things harder for them.”

As Summer nears, Americans are becoming increasingly worried about the impact of the Democrats’ proposed policies:

“‘The great concern about gas prices reflects not just rising prices and political instability in the Middle East, but also adverse impacts on household budgets,’ Stephen Brobeck, CFA’s executive director said in announcing the findings. ‘Low- and middle-income Americans are now spending more money each month on gasoline than on their car payments.’” (“Poll: Concern over gas prices hits record level,” USA Today, 3/16/11)

Washington Rahall may not support it, but support is growing for American-made energy that will help sever our dependence on foreign oil:

“Majority of Americans (60%) favor increasing offshore drilling for oil and gas in U.S. coastal areas, while only 37% stand opposed. This is a 10-point increase in favorability since last May and includes 60% of Independents.
“Most Americans (49%) feel ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) should be opened up for oil exploration, compared to 45% who believe it should not. An equal 49% of Independents agree.” (Lydia Saad, “U.S. Oil Drilling Gains Favor With American,” Gallup, 3/14/11)”

The script for the targeted call is as follows:

“I’m calling from the National Republican Congressional Committee. Feeling the pain at the pump every time you fill up your tank? Well, you should know that your Congressman, Nick Rahall, is supporting policies that could raise gas prices even more. Rahall is so detached from reality that while families in West Virginia are forced to pay more than $3.60 a gallon, Rahall has been in Washington supporting big-government policies that lead to higher gas prices and restrain the production of American-made energy. Call Rahall today at 202-225-3452 and tell him you’re paying too much at the pump. This call was paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee and was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202.479.7000.”

As Nick Rahall continues to side with his fellow Democrats in stifling production that could help to lower gas prices and ease burdens on West Virginia families, his constituents are left wondering about where they stand on his list of priorities. If Rahall is serious about his commitment to spur economic growth and job creation, he needs to start remembering he works for those who elected him—not for the Democratic Party.

New NRCC Targeted Calls Highlight 10 Out-of-Touch Dems Who Support Policies that Raise Gas Prices and Oppose American-Made Energy #madeindc