MADE IN WASHINGTON: Dems Put Politics Ahead of Progress with Blind Support for Obama Budget

April 22, 2011

Dems Put Politics Ahead of Progress in Blind Support for Obama Budget
Bipartisan Group Examines Disastrous Consequences of Obama’s “Murky” Plan

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Despite plenty of evidence showing the utter failure of their tax-and-spend policies, Democrats are likely to look the other way when it comes to a new bipartisan report explaining how President Obama’s budget is sure to only make America’s debt crisis worse:

[I]t still falls short of the total debt reduction proposed by the Fiscal Commission (which we believe should be seen as a minimum to strive for) as well as short of the House budget resolution, which is based on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) proposal.” (“Analyzing the President’s New Budget Framework,” Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, 4/21/11)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: While the findings from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget report show how dangerous the consequences of this budget could be, Democrats in DC have shown they put partisan politics over common sense and will double down on the President’s failed policies after having refused to even consider the Republicans’ budget alternative:

As it is, the Obama Framework would save 40 percent less than the Ryan “Path to Prosperity…’The President’s Framework falls short of both the Fiscal Commission recommendations and those from the House Budget Committee, both of which would reduce the deficit by over $4 trillion and reduce the debt to below 69 percent of GDP by the end of the 10-year period… “

“…[the] CRFB found that the Ryan Plan cuts more debt than the Obama Plan. Also note that while the White House said its plan relied just 25 percent on higher taxes (33 percent if you exclude interest), the CFRB found that it actually relies 30 percent on higher tax revenue (40 percent if you exclude interest.) And since the debt trigger would be pulled, even higher taxes would be possible, as well additional spending cuts.” (James Pethokoukis, “Budget group: New Obama budget plan would fail, cause tax trigger to be pulled,” Reuters, 4/21/11)

Bipartisan group proves Dems putting politics over progress in supporting Obama’s budget #MadeinWDC
