Are Dem Candidates in D.C. Getting Schooled by Nancy Pelosi & Big Labor?

May 11, 2011

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Nancy Price (NV-02), Jill Derby (NV-02), Kate Marshall (NV-02), Eric Griego (NM-01), Anthony Portantino (CA-26), Lois Frankel (FL-22), Patrick Murphy (FL-22), Carol Shea Porter (NH-01)
Is Shea-Porter in D.C. Getting Schooled by Nancy Pelosi & Big Labor?
Democrat Recruits Come to Washington to Learn from Partisan Pelosi and National Unions

Washington — As she gets ready to build her campaign, is Carol Shea-Porter joining her fellow candidates in Washington to take notes and get schooled by Nancy Pelosi and her big labor allies? If Shea-Porter is attending this Capitol Hill meeting today with Pelosi and labor bosses, she would be affirming that she intends to campaign on their same failed policies of spending money we don’t have and borrowing it from foreign countries like China.

“Is Shea-Porter in D.C. today to take orders from Nancy Pelosi and Big Labor bosses? New Hampshire families could assume that if Shea-Porter were at Pelosi’s meetings, she would keep spending money we simply don’t have and borrowing it from China while in Congress,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Either Shea-Porter has been hand-selected to help Pelosi and union bosses call the shots from Washington, or she is not a strong enough candidate to attract their attention.”

Washington Democrats are holding a “Meet our 2012 Candidates” event featuring Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and their big labor allies today on Capitol Hill:

“Democratic Congressional Committee Chairman Steve Israel and Pennsylvania Rep. Allyson Schwartz, who is heading up the DCCC’s recruiting efforts, will host Democratic candidates from 34 districts across the country for a ‘Meet our 2012 Candidates’ event at the Capitol Hill offices of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

“Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn are all expected to attend.”

“Democratic officials familiar with the scheduling for the event say that the candidates will huddle with labor leaders and participate in briefings and conservations on economic policy, messaging, and campaign-building.” (Alex Isenstadt and John Bresnahan, “Nancy Pelosi, labor leaders to meet with 2012 hopefuls,” Politico, 5/5/11)

Has Carol Shea-Porter decided to launch her campaign with Nancy Pelosi at the Capitol Hill headquarters of their big union allies? Since Granite Staters are looking to their leaders to stop the job-destroying spending and prevent the impending debt crisis, surely Shea-Porter hasn’t started her campaign by embracing the failed policies that created this problem in the first place.

Are Dem Candidates in D.C. to Get Schooled by Nancy Pelosi & Big Labor? #madeinwdc
