Made in DC: Middle-Class Families Burdened with Skyrocketing Gas, Food, Clothing Costs Thanks to Democrats’ Reckless Spending & Borrowing

May 13, 2011

Middle-Class Families Burdened with Skyrocketing Gas, Food, Clothing Costs Thanks to Democrats’ Reckless Spending & Borrowing
Price Increases Heighten Fears of Looming Inflation

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Figures released for last month show that a dramatic increase in gas prices will only continue to stifle economic recovery as Democrats continue to stand idly by their failed policies of big spending and big government:

“Gas prices rose 3.3 percent in April…They have soared more than 33 percent in the past year. Demand in fast-growing developing countries and political turmoil in the Middle East have caused oil prices to rise. Prices at the pump have since leveled off near $4, up $1.09 from last year.” (“Rising Food and Gas Costs Push Up Consumer Prices,” Associated Press, 5/13/11)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: With Democrats in DC continuing to push for more spending, more regulation and more borrowing, consumers are having to deal with the reality of their reckless policies:
“Food prices increased 0.4 percent last month. That’s half the previous month’s increase, which was the largest in nearly three years. The price of fresh vegetables fell. Dairy, meat, fish and eggs all rose.

The cost of new and used cars, clothing, and medical care also increased, pushing up the core index.” (“Rising Food and Gas Costs Push Up Consumer Prices,” Associated Press, 5/13/11)

Middle-Class Families Burdened with Skyrocketing Gas, Food, Clothing Costs Thanks to Democrats’ Reckless Spending & Borrowing #MadeinWDC