Made in DC: Medical Costs Rise Due to Dems’ Healthcare Takeover

May 18, 2011

Medical Costs Rise Due to Dems’ Healthcare Takeover
Prices to Rise over Eight Percent as Democrats Refuse to Support Pragmatic Reform

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Over a year after Democrats pushed through their intensely unpopular government takeover of healthcare, Americans have yet another ObamaCare surprise: medical costs are increasing by 8.5 percent next year:
“U.S. employers can expect an 8.5 percent increase in their medical costs next year, the consulting firm PwC said in a report Wednesday…[t]he widely read annual report on cost trends points to three main drivers of healthcare costs, two of which are exacerbated by the new law.” (Julian Pecquet, “Report: Medical costs to rise 8.5 percent in 2012, in small part due to healthcare law,” The Hill, 5/18/11)
MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: As Americans are tightening their belts, Democrats continue to push for their destructive tax-and-spend agenda. The government takeover of healthcare the Democrats engineered without bipartisan support will now put an even heavier financial burden on voters:

“‘Health reform is pressuring employers, providers, insurers and pharmaceutical manufacturers to be more cost-conscious and accountable for costs, quality and performance,’ PwC’s Michael Galper said in a statement, ‘and they will need to work together to provide better, coordinated care, greater transparency in pricing and more patient-friendly practices.'” (Julian Pecquet, “Report: Medical costs to rise 8.5 percent in 2012, in small part due to healthcare law,” The Hill, 5/18/11)
