MADE IN DC: Democrats’ Medicare Plan Endangers Treatment, Accessibility for Seniors
May 23, 2011
Democrats’ Medicare Plan Endangers Treatment, Accessibility for Seniors
Democrats’ Plan Means “Drastic” Cuts and Will Bankrupt a Quarter of America’s Hospitals
DC DEMOCRATS JUST DON’T GET IT: As Democrats continue to push for their plan that does nothing but bankrupt Medicare, seniors will have a rough reality to face as their coverage will be devastated by Democrats’ reckless legislation:
“Seniors currently expect that their Medicare coverage will provide them with the same access and quality of health care it always has. That is just not true. The Democrats Medicare plan contains drastic cuts to doctor payments that will make it next to impossible for Medicare beneficiaries to actually obtain health care coverage.” (Conn Carroll, “Democrats Medicare plan bankrupts 25% of all hospitals by 2030,” Washington Examiner, 5/23/11)
MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Last week, as Nancy Pelosi claimed that their government takeover of healthcare was the “blueprint” for how to “save” Medicare, she signaled that the Democrats only plan for the imperiled program is to drive up costs for seniors, bankrupt a quarter of the nation’s hospitals and decrease the quality of care:
“…[B]y 2019 the update reductions would result in negative total facility margins for about 15 percent of hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies. This estimated percentage would continue to increase, reaching roughly 25 percent in 2030 and 40 percent by 2050…This gap could jeopardize Medicare beneficiaries‘ access to mainstream medical care.” (Conn Carroll, “Democrats Medicare plan bankrupts 25% of all hospitals by 2030,” Washington Examiner, 5/23/11)