Dems Continue to Demand Another Credit Card for More Government Spending
Miller Continues to Demand Another Credit Card for More Government Spending
North Carolina Democrat Refuses to Limit His Spending Spree
Washington — Brad Miller defiantly defended his ability to spend and borrow today when he demanded another credit card with no strings attached after he maxed out his first one. This brazen act demonstrates how out of touch Miller is with his constituents who want fiscal reform to stop the endless spending and borrowing which continues to pile a bigger share of the national debt onto families and future generations in North Carolina.
“Brad Miller has demonstrated once again that he will adamantly defend and continue his Democrat spending spree by demanding another government spending credit card immediately after he maxed out the first one,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Clearly Miller shares his fellow Democrats’ addiction to spending as he demands the ability to further indebt North Carolina families to foreign countries like China just to fuel his spending binge.”
Miller’s position is opposed by nearly 9 out of 10 voters:
As North Carolina families and future generations become more indebted to foreign countries like China, Brad Miller continues to make the problem worse with no end in sight. Once again, Miller demonstrated that he will not let up on his spending spree when he voted for another credit card after maxing out his first one.